Version 8.1 released!

Posted on March 16, 2008

Version 8.1 of RentMaster has just been released and available for download now.

The main highlights in this release include...

- The Events screen now includes a blog reader for reading the RentMaster blog entries.  This can be turned off if required.
- A new Tenant History report has been created.
- On the cashflow graph, a new 6 month average line has been added for better trend analysis.
- The vacant properties shown on the events screen now show the number of days it has been vacant for.
- Rental calendar tenants can now pay extra charges using separate income groups.  Go to the maintenance menu and choose Extra Charge Income Group.
- The look of the report output screen has been modernised.
- This release does a version check to stop multiple people on the same network using mismatched RentMaster versions.
- When opening the Events screen always returns to the last opened tab.
- The Paid To Date was being calculated incorrectly.  This has been fixed.

 Also in this release...

- Reports output to file (csv) have removed commas from numbers.
- The 'Automatically Close Tenancy when tenancy end date reached' option has been removed.
- If you select one property in work orders it selects the tenant in that property.  If you then select a different property which does not have a tenant it leaves the tenant name - from the previously selected property.  This is fixed.
- The rent periods screen paid amount is no longer editable
- Using the Link To button to go to extra charges when there are multiple tenants with the same name was possible adding the extra charges to the wrong tenant.  Fixed
- Double-clicking an entry in the rental calendar will edit it.
- Removed all references to the reallocate button from the help files.
- On the events screen rent arrears tab, if the user clicks a tenant names, and there are muiltiple tenants with the same name, it is selecting the wrong tenant sometimes.  Fixed