Monthly Archives: October 2009

Coming in v9.1 - Range of days for displaying expired tenants

Posted on October 31, 2009

On the events screen, one of the tabs show expiring lease agreements.

In the last release, a new feature was added which allow you to specify the number of days out before the expiring tenants are shown on this screen, defaulting to 60 days.

In this coming release, this has been extended to be a range of days, defaulting from 60 days down to 0 days, which means the tenant will be shown on the screen when their end date is 60 days out, up until the end date is reached.  By specifying a range, you can enter a negative number for the end days, for example from 60 days to -10 days.  This means the tenant will remain on the screen for a further 10 days after the end of their tenancy.

Coming in v9.1 - View mail merge letter for closed tenants

Posted on October 25, 2009

The mail merge facility allows you to see mail merge letters which have been previously generated for a tenant or owner.

However for tenants, the letters for closed tenants are hidden, otherwise the list would become very long and hard to search.  But sometimes someone wants to find these previous letters.  So coming in version 9.1, the list of tenant names will also include the name <Closed Tenants> at the end.  Selecting that name in the tenant list will load the list of all open and closed tenants so you can see the letters for these people.  When you close and open the program again the list will default to showing open tenants only, however you can expand it again to show closed tenants if needed.

Coming in v9.1 - Missed Rent Report

Posted on October 10, 2009

A new report has been created in version 9.1 called the Missed Rent report.

This report is important for keeping on top of tenant issues.  If you can catch the tenant as soon as they miss their first rent payment, and send them a reminder that you are watching them, they will hopefully pay the missed rent and not miss any more in future.  If they think they can get away with missing the first payment, they are more likely to try it again next time.

A missed rent is determined based on the rent payment frequency of the tenant.  For example, if the tenant pays rent weekly, then they are deemed to have missed their payment if they have not paid any rent at all in the last 7 days.  Monthly rent tenants will be deemed to have missed if they have not paid anything within the last month etc.